How to use Postman with SmartTID REST API

1. First you have to login using /apilogin function- POST in order to obtain UID... like in the following  picture:

Image Placeholder
where in Headers you have to add 
Accept : application/json
and in Body you have to check the option "x-www-form-urlencoded" and add sAPIKey like in the following picture:

Image Placeholder
 where in Body section you have to add :
sAPIKey is  Customer API Key

2. With the UID obtained from Step 1  you have to add  them in headers for get /employees  like in the following picture:

Image Placeholder

where in Headers:
a).API-Key is Authorization Token
b).UID is the UID from Step 1
c).DeviceID is Customer API Key
d) Accept : application/json

Good to know!
*** All those parameters are mandatory and  must be added in Headers  to all the functions from Smartapi when call them from Postman

*** In Params section you can add the QueyParams- those parameters that appear like  this:
 ?param1=value1&param2=value2   in  Smartapi function.

*** When you use POST function you have to add a JSON object in Body section .