
Created 29-03-2021 by Lavinia Gheghea



The API allows you to create, delete, and update  TAG reader. You can retrieve individual TAG reader as well as a list of all TAG readers


GET:  /tagreaders

Headers and Query
 API-key - required
 Authorization Token
 UID - required
 UID -how can be obtained
 DEVICEID - required
 starting record
 how many records displayed on a page
 field name to order the recordset
 filter the recordset

Curl example

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*" -H "UID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -H "" -H "API-Key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"


200 (OK) :  array of tag readers

Response body

{ "ID": 1, "DeviceID": "6cf6dd84bfcf200e", "Description": "Asbjørn Nexus tablet", "Type": "Tablet", "DistrictCode": null, "DepartmentCode": null, "EmployeeGroupCode": null, "DimensionCode1": null, "DimensionCode2": null, "DimensionCode3": null, "DimensionCode4": null, "DimensionCode5": null, "DimensionCode6": null, "DimensionCode7": null, "DimensionCode8": null, "DimensionCode9": null, "DimensionCode10": null, "TaskID": null, "TimeZoneDiffMin": 0, "JobCode": null, "JobGroupCode": null, "OperationCode": null, "OperationGroupCode": null, "ActivityCode": null, "DisplayOnlyFromThisUnit": false, "MenuButtonSize": "200,125", "MenuButtonIconSize": "60,60", "JournalCode": null, "LanguageCode": "DK", "UseOnlyTAG": null }, { "ID": 2, "DeviceID": "d693fa9bb9e32498", "Description": "poul", "Type": "Tablet", "DistrictCode": null, "DepartmentCode": null, "EmployeeGroupCode": null, "DimensionCode1": null, "DimensionCode2": null, "DimensionCode3": null, "DimensionCode4": null, "DimensionCode5": null, "DimensionCode6": null, "DimensionCode7": null, "DimensionCode8": null, "DimensionCode9": null, "DimensionCode10": null, "TaskID": null, "TimeZoneDiffMin": 0, "JobCode": null, "JobGroupCode": null, "OperationCode": null, "OperationGroupCode": null, "ActivityCode": null, "DisplayOnlyFromThisUnit": false, "MenuButtonSize": "200,125", "MenuButtonIconSize": "60,60", "JournalCode": null, "LanguageCode": "DK", "UseOnlyTAG": null } ]

Response headers:
content-encoding: gzip 
 content-length: 238 
 content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
 date: Mon, 24 Aug 2020 08:01:23 GMT 
 server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0 
 vary: Accept-Encoding 
 x-pagination: {"totalCount":4,"totalFiltered":4,"Offset":0,"Limit":4,"Returned":4} 
 x-powered-by: ASP.NET 

400 (ERROR) : Error message

Response Body
Error message

GET{id} : /tagreaders/{id}  

 API-key - required
 Authorization Token
 UID - required
UID -how can be obtained
 DEVICEID - required
 id- required
 ID of tag reader
Curl example

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: */*" -H "UID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -H "" -H "API-Key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"


200 (OK) : the TAG reader

Response Body
[   { "ID": 2, "DeviceID": "d693fa9bb9e32498", "Description": "poul", "Type": "Tablet", "DistrictCode": null, "DepartmentCode": null, "EmployeeGroupCode": null, "DimensionCode1": null, "DimensionCode2": null, "DimensionCode3": null, "DimensionCode4": null, "DimensionCode5": null, "DimensionCode6": null, "DimensionCode7": null, "DimensionCode8": null, "DimensionCode9": null, "DimensionCode10": null, "TaskID": null, "TimeZoneDiffMin": 0, "JobCode": null, "JobGroupCode": null, "OperationCode": null, "OperationGroupCode": null, "ActivityCode": null, "DisplayOnlyFromThisUnit": false, "MenuButtonSize": "200,125", "MenuButtonIconSize": "60,60", "JournalCode": null, "LanguageCode": "DK", "UseOnlyTAG": null }

Response Headers
content-encoding: gzip
  content-length: 175
  content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
 date: Mon, 24 Aug 2020 08:39:57 GMT 
 server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0 
 vary: Accept-Encoding  x-powered-by: ASP.NET 

400 (ERROR) : Error message

Response Body
Error message

POST: /tagreaders

 API-key - required
 Authorization Token 
 UID - required
 UID -how can be obtained
 DEVICEID - required

Request body
"sDeviceID": "string",
  "sDescription": "string",
  "sType": "string",
  "sDistrictCode": "string",
  "sDepartmentCode": "string",
  "sEmployeeGroupCode": "string",
  "sDimensionCode1": "string",
  "sDimensionCode2": "string",
  "sDimensionCode3": "string",
  "sDimensionCode4": "string",
  "sDimensionCode5": "string",
  "sDimensionCode6": "string",
  "sDimensionCode7": "string",
  "sDimensionCode8": "string",
  "sDimensionCode9": "string",
  "sDimensionCode10": "string",
  "nTaskID": 0,
  "nTimeZoneDiffMin": 0,
  "sJobCode": "string",
  "sJobGroupCode": "string",
  "sOperationCode": "string",
  "sOperationGroupCode": "string",
  "sActivityCode": "string",
  "bDisplayOnlyFromThisUnit": true,
  "sMenuButtonSize": "string",
  "sMenuButtonIconSize": "string",
  "sJournalCode": "string",
  "sLanguageCode": "string",
  "bUseOnlyTAG": true
Curl example
curl -X POST "" -H "accept: */*" -H "UID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -H "" -H "API-Key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -H "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" -d "{\"sDeviceID\": \"string\",  \"sDescription\": \"string\",  \"sType\": \"string\",  \"sDistrictCode\": \"string\",  \"sDepartmentCode\": \"string\",  \"sEmployeeGroupCode\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode1\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode2\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode3\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode4\": \"string\", \"sDimensionCode5\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode6\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode7\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode8\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode9\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode10\": \"string\",  \"nTaskID\": 0,  \"nTimeZoneDiffMin\": 0,  \"sJobCode\": \"string\",  \"sJobGroupCode\": \"string\",  \"sOperationCode\": \"string\",  \"sOperationGroupCode\": \"string\",  \"sActivityCode\": \"string\",  \"bDisplayOnlyFromThisUnit\": true,  \"sMenuButtonSize\": "string",  \"sMenuButtonIconSize\": \"string\",  \"sJournalCode\": \"string\", \"sLanguageCode\": \"string\",  \"bUseOnlyTAG\": true}"


200 (OK) : The ID of the new tag reader

Response Body
  "ID": 14
Response Headers
content-encoding: gzip 
 content-length: 138 
 content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8 
 date: Mon, 24 Aug 2020 09:24:44 GMT 
 server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0 
 vary: Accept-Encoding  x-powered-by: ASP.NET

400 (ERROR) : Error message

Response Body
Error message

PUT{id}: /tagreaders/{id}

 API-key - required
 Authorization Token  
 UID - required
 UID -how can be obtained
 DEVICEID - required
 id- required
 ID of tag reader

Request body
"sDeviceID": "string",
  "sDescription": "string",
  "sType": "string",
  "sDistrictCode": "string",
  "sDepartmentCode": "string",
  "sEmployeeGroupCode": "string",
  "sDimensionCode1": "string",
  "sDimensionCode2": "string",
  "sDimensionCode3": "string",
  "sDimensionCode4": "string",
  "sDimensionCode5": "string",
  "sDimensionCode6": "string",
  "sDimensionCode7": "string",
  "sDimensionCode8": "string",
  "sDimensionCode9": "string",
  "sDimensionCode10": "string",
  "nTaskID": 0,
  "nTimeZoneDiffMin": 0,
  "sJobCode": "string",
  "sJobGroupCode": "string",
  "sOperationCode": "string",
  "sOperationGroupCode": "string",
  "sActivityCode": "string",
  "bDisplayOnlyFromThisUnit": true,
  "sMenuButtonSize": "string",
  "sMenuButtonIconSize": "string",
  "sJournalCode": "string",
  "sLanguageCode": "string",
  "bUseOnlyTAG": true
Curl example

curl -X PUT "" -H "accept: */*" -H "UID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -H "" -H "API-Key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -H "Content-Type: application/json-patch+json" -d "{\"sDeviceID\": \"string\",  \"sDescription\": \"string\",  \"sType\": \"string\",  \"sDistrictCode\": \"string\",  \"sDepartmentCode\": \"string\",  \"sEmployeeGroupCode\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode1\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode2\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode3\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode4\": \"string\", \"sDimensionCode5\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode6\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode7\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode8\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode9\": \"string\",  \"sDimensionCode10\": \"string\",  \"nTaskID\": 0,  \"nTimeZoneDiffMin\": 0,  \"sJobCode\": \"string\",  \"sJobGroupCode\": \"string\",  \"sOperationCode\": \"string\",  \"sOperationGroupCode\": \"string\",  \"sActivityCode\": \"string\",  \"bDisplayOnlyFromThisUnit\": true,  \"sMenuButtonSize\": "string",  \"sMenuButtonIconSize\": \"string\",  \"sJournalCode\": \"string\", \"sLanguageCode\": \"string\",  \"bUseOnlyTAG\": true}"


200 (OK) : success

400 (ERROR) : Error message

Response Body
Error message

DELETE{id}: /tagreaders/{id}

 API-key - required
 Authorization Token  
 UID - required
 UID -how can be obtained
 DEVICEID - required
 id- required
 ID of tag reader

Curl example

curl -X DELETE "" -H "accept: */*" -H "UID: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" -H "" -H "API-Key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 

200 (OK) :Success

400 (ERROR) : Bad request

Response Body
Error message

Response headers

content-length: 84 
 content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 
 date: Tue, 25 Aug 2020 08:35:21 GMT 
 server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0 
 x-powered-by: ASP.NET

SQL Procedure 



TAG Reader
 Device ID
 District Code
 Department Code
 Employee Group Code
 Dimension Code 1
 Dimension Code 2
 Dimension Code 3
 Dimension Code 4
 Dimension Code 5
 Dimension Code 6
 Dimension Code 7
 Dimension Code 8
 Dimension Code 9
 Dimension Code 10
 Task ID
 Time Zone Diff Min
 Job Code
 Job Group Code
 Operation Code
 Operation Group Code
 Activity Code
 Display Only From This Unit
 Menu Button Size
 Menu Button Icon Size
 Journal Code
 Language Code
 Use Only TAG