In SmartTID you can setup webhooks to send data to another system based on events in specific tables

In the menu under IT setup you will find Webhooks. Here you can setup as many webhooks you want and you can even have multible webhooks to the same event if you need specific data sent to several systems.

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The webhook will be sent within a few seconds after data has been inserted, updated or deleted in SmartTID. The webhooks are are sent as standard HTTP POST to a URL you define as with the full dataset from the records as a JSON

Every webhook has an Action field which can have "INSERT","UPDATE" or "DELETE" and a TableName which will identify which table in SmartTID send the webhook

The webhook can include multible records but most often it will only include one record.

This is an example from the EmployeePeriod table

		"Action": "INSERT",
		"TableName": "EmployeePeriod",
		"ID": 20,
		"EmployeeCode": "454567",
		"StartDate": "2022-06-01T00:00:00",
		"EndDate": null,
		"Description": "test2",
		"GroundsForTerminationCode": "",
		"TemplateCode": "",
		"SeniorityDate": null